The Challenges of Working Motherhood: Navigating Career and Family

Career and Motherhood: A Personal Journey

A professional journey often begins with a focus on career advancement and success defined by professional achievements. However, becoming a mother can drastically change this perspective. Navigating working motherhood can reshape professional priorities. The journey of a working mother involves making choices that balance career aspirations and the desire to be an involved parent.

According to USAFacts:

  • Over 24 million mothers with children under 18 are in the labor force.
  • In 2019, mothers were the equal, primary, or sole earners in 40.5% of households with children under 18.

The Struggles of Working Mothers

These statistics do not fully capture the challenges that come with balancing a career and motherhood. The potential identity crisis that working mothers face is significant. Many working mothers find themselves navigating the complexities of career advancement while raising children, leading to a continuous effort to design an integrated life.

The External Debate

The internal struggle of balancing work and motherhood is mirrored by ongoing societal debates. Concepts like “Lean In,” the “Motherhood Penalty,” “Work/Life Balance,” and “Workplace Flexibility” are prevalent in discussions about women in the workplace. These debates have influenced the way working mothers perceive and approach their roles.

The Role of Mentorship

Mentorship plays a crucial role in helping working mothers navigate their careers. Mentors can provide valuable guidance on making tough decisions, setting priorities, and building confidence. One mentor helped the author realize the spectrum of options available, leading to clearer priorities and more confident decision-making.

Redefining Success

After becoming a mother, women may experience a turning point in aligning values, work, and identity. A sage mentor’s advice to view life as a single entity rather than separate work and life components provides new perspective. This shift may lead to different career choices at various stages of motherhood.

Tips for Navigating Work and Motherhood

1. Be Unapologetic About Your Choices

Stop thinking about what you “should” do. Avoid guilt and self-doubt. Focus on what you need and want to live a fulfilled life. As a mentor once said, “You only get one life – create the life you want and don’t apologize for your needs and wants.”

2. Think About What Is Possible

Don’t be a passive bystander in your own life. Consider the possibilities beyond your current circumstances. Embrace the power of shifting your perspective to think about what could be.

3. Be Bold

Taking risks and making bold decisions often leads to positive outcomes. Being bold helps to overcome self-doubt and harness passions to achieve significant goals.

4. Cultivate a Strong Network

Building and maintaining relationships is essential. A strong network can open doors to new opportunities and help turn possibilities into reality.

5. Leverage Your Mentors

If you don’t have mentors, seek them out. If you do, make use of their guidance. Mentors provide different perspectives, build confidence, and support personal growth, helping navigate challenging times.


For more insights into mentoring programs, especially those designed for high-potential women, consider exploring our Menttium 100 cross-company mentoring program. The company’s mentoring programs can provide valuable support for working mothers seeking to balance their careers and family lives.