7 Tips for a Career Well-being Check-Up

What is Career Well-being?

Career well-being refers to the overall satisfaction, fulfillment, and passion that employees experience in their work. Career well-being is comprised of many factors including job satisfaction, work-life balance, organizational culture, and relationships between coworkers and management. It is also associated with how a company invests in the personal and professional development of its employees.

Importance of Career Well-being

We all know that happy employees are more productive. They are engaged, and committed to their organization, leading to better business outcomes. On the opposite side of the scale, workplace unhappiness can lead to stress, burnout, and disengagement, which, in turn, can have a negative impact on a person’s performance and well-being.

Tips for Enhancing Career Well-being

It is important to set boundaries between work and personal life, focus on strengths and passions, build positive relationships with colleagues, and seek out opportunities for learning and growth.

How Organizations Can Support Career Well-being

One key way an organization can help increase company culture is by investing in learning opportunities and enforcing a culture of growth and development.


7 Questions for Career Well-being Check-Up


  1. First, do you have the desire to improve? Do you have a PMA – Positive Mental Attitude – that regardless of the circumstance, you are in control and can shape your career? Tip: Believe you can make changes that reflect your values and interests. If you are “stuck”, have the desire to get “unstuck”. Perhaps it’s an inner calling to do more, be more, and serve more.

  2. What do you value? What is important and not important in your career? Does your work reflect what you care about, your true north? Or does it create friction or unfulfillment? Tip: Take an assessment to discover more about your values and calling.

  3. Is your career headed in the direction you want it to? Often this is where people need to focus some energy. They aren’t clear about where to go or what the next steps are. When your career pathway is clear, it’s easier to say yes and no to opportunities that come your way. It helps you create opportunities too.

  4. Are you able to be your authentic self at work? It might be hard to share your ideas, you’re not feeling included or heard, or you’re trying to fit a model of what you think success looks like. When we can’t bring our voice, our perspectives, our ideas, and our true selves into work, we end up being inauthentic and less than we could be. The culture and work environment has a big role to play in supporting this. Start by defining who you are, and articulating your values, aspirations, and perspectives.

  5. Does your organization know what you do? Are your value and results visible? Do the right people know what you want to do with your career? Think of it this way, hard work can go unnoticed. If you don’t take the time to define who you are, the roles you’d like, etc. others will do it for you (and maybe get it wrong or not do it at all). You can learn to share these aspects of yourself authentically and in line with your values.

  6. Are you at a transition point? Know when a transition is beginning or needed. A few common changes are from individual contributors to people leaders: tactical to strategic.

  7. Do you need a reset? Recognize times when you need a reset. It doesn’t have to mean quitting. It could be a pause to reflect on time, goals, projects, team, or even employer. Seek resources to support you and provide perspective. Mentors are a great resource at a time of transition.


How Organizations Can Support Career Well-being with Mentoring


Many things influence well-being at work including the ability to have an internal or external resource that can be your cheerleader. A healthy environment requires organizational commitment and systemic improvements. Career well-being is one dimension of the overall picture. Leaders and organizations can provide support on these factors as part of an overall plan for employee well-being.

Additional Resources 


The power of Perspective – Shifting our view of Challenges with Jennifer Meyer

Resilience in Turbulent Times with Roz Tsai

6 Ways to Develop a More Positive Mental Attitude: Jennifer Meyer
