Innovation in Healthcare

Innovation in Healthcare

Menttium is fortunate to partner with incredible clients making significant impacts on the word. We have also been grateful for invitations to presents at conferences, bringing visibility to the power of mentoring and its benefits. St. Catherine University’s Interprofessional Education and the Henrietta Schmoll School of Health aligns with our mindset on cross-company mentoring and cross-industry mentoring. St. Kates brings together some of the most innovative minds in healthcare and business to discuss teams, roles, and the changing face of organizational structure, healthcare education, and collaborative practice.

Sharing the Benefits of Corporate Mentoring

We are operating in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world and in the healthcare industry, this is even more evident. With transformational changes in every aspect of healthcare, from regulation to compliance to quality of care to data & technology to new products & services to the war for talent, mentoring can be a source of stability in a rapidly changing and challenging context. Additionally, the competition for top talent has never been greater. Formal corporate mentoring can play an essential role in developing and retaining key talent, as well as enable key talent to manage change more adeptly. 

Key Takeaways

Vulnerability and authenticity are key in developing a trusting mentoring partnership. Menttium mentors focus on what matters most to their mentee, setting up the mentor as a storyteller and guide rather than all-knowing sage. 

  • We know that building trust and rapport is absolutely critical in setting a mentoring partnership up for success;  developing emotional safety is required for both mentee and mentor to be authentic and share the real challenges/opportunities they are facing at work and in their personal lives.
  • The best mentors are those who share their own experiences (positive and negative) and ask powerful questions to guide their mentees to their own insights. Storytelling is a critical skill to mentor effectively. At Menttium, we say that mentoring is sharing hindsight that gives another person foresight.
  • By investing in key talent through mentoring in a healthcare environment, it enhances their engagement and therefore that carries over to those who are working with patients in terms of attitude, commitment and confidence.

Discover the Power of Corporate Mentoring with Menttium

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of cross-industry mentoring to support your employees reach out to us today.